
2024年3月26日—ultrasoundvaluesdonotcorrelatewithMRIvalues·>15mm2atthecarpaltunnelinletoroutletcanbeusedasadiagnosticcriterionorcut- ...,The2-mm²sizedifferentialindicatesthereisaninflammatory-mediatedchangewithinthenerve,whichisvisualizedasswollen(largeranddarker).This ...,Thisstudyaimstoprospectivelyevaluatetheuseofsonographicmeasurementsofthemediannerveinthediagnosisofcarpaltunnelsyndrome....

Carpal tunnel syndrome

2024年3月26日 — ultrasound values do not correlate with MRI values · >15 mm2 at the carpal tunnel inlet or outlet can be used as a diagnostic criterion or cut- ...

Diagnostic Ultrasound in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The 2-mm² size differential indicates there is an inflammatory-mediated change within the nerve, which is visualized as swollen (larger and darker). This ...

Sonography in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.

This study aims to prospectively evaluate the use of sonographic measurements of the median nerve in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.

The role of diagnostic ultrasound in the examination ...

由 M Erickson 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 40 次 — Ultrasonography can also be used to assess median nerve and carpal tunnel dimensions, median nerve position within the tunnel (palmar displacement), and flexor ...

Ultrasonography for diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome

由 TW Tai 著作 · 2012 · 被引用 233 次 — This review concluded that ultrasonography was a useful tool as an initial diagnostic test for carpel tunnel syndrome and a cutoff of at least 9mm² at the ...

Ultrasound of Median Nerve in the Diagnosis of Carpal ...

由 K Kanagasabai 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 12 次 — This study aims to assess the role of high-frequency ultrasound of the median nerve at the wrist in evaluating CTS and correlate with NCS results.